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Detroit & Boston, United States
Artist at heart, video editor by trade, photographer, aspiring documentary filmmaker, coffee slinger, cat herder, animal lover, US Air Force Iraq War Veteran, humanitarian and funny. A creative soul trying to find my place in this world.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Editing Suite is Up and Running!!!

Finally finally finally!!! I picked up my PC editing suite yesterday. I ordered half of the components from Newegg and the other bits and pieces from Microcenter. Here are the specs in case you're interested:

+ i7 2600 K
+ G-Skill Ripjaw Series 4 GB x 4
+ PNY NVIDIA Quadro 4000
+ SSD 120GB INTEL 320 Series
+ CORSAIR H70 Liquid Cooling
+ Corsair 1000W Bronze Certified Power Supply
+ Windows 7 Home Premium

Since I picked it up yesterday I have just been installing software. Adobe Production Suite CS5, Adobe Lightroom 2 and various Digital Juice products. B&H Photo Video has a 24 hour sale on Lightroom 3 - it's 50% off and on sale for $149.99 right now. If you don't already have it, I highly recommend this program. Especially when processing large amounts of images this will save you lots and lots of time compared to processing images in Photoshop (one at a time) or other RAW editing programs.

After all of the software is installed - I will be getting back into the swing of things and posting tutorials, tips, tricks and other bits and pieces. It's great to be back after nearly a one year hiatus.


1 comment:

  1. Hi. I've posted some family pics on my blog
    under "my boys"
