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Detroit & Boston, United States
Artist at heart, video editor by trade, photographer, aspiring documentary filmmaker, coffee slinger, cat herder, animal lover, US Air Force Iraq War Veteran, humanitarian and funny. A creative soul trying to find my place in this world.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Other Blogs

Ok - so I'm guilty of using Facebook. I actually like to keep my page semi-professional and have used to join various groups including Adobe (multiple products), AVID, Digital Juice and Video Copilot to name a few. You can get some real gems from these pages in their news feeds. One that popped up literally five minutes ago was from Adobe Creative Suite:

Adobe Creative Suite Do you have favorite websites or go-to blogs around web design, photography, video production, graphic design, etc? Let us know what they are and share them here with your Creative Suite Facebook community.

There have already been a heap of replies

Logo Lounge - has an interesting post on the latest trends in logo design.

Creattica - contains lots of graphic design work for many different products.

Grain Edit is focused on classic design work from the 1950s-1970s and contemporary designers that draw inspiration from that time period.

Behance Network - a place for graphic artists to post some of their work and there is also a job search.

Graphic Mania - has loads of tutorials as well as links to freebie downloads.


  1. I really love creattica, i found it awhile back, remind me via facebook to send you the links i have to some other great sites with amazing works!

  2. Thanks - feel free to post them on here, too!!
